Joe Andrade (Old Timer, Class of 2024, Posthumous)

Playing for the WHS Class C Eastern Division Champions in 1948 as a freshman, Andrade received 2nd All Class C third baseman honors in 1949 as a sophomore.  That year Warren lost the playoff to Colt Memorial for Class C Eastern Division Champs.  Joe would go on to play for the Warren/Bristol American Legion State and Regional Champions of 1949.  In 1951, he was named 2nd All Eastern Division third baseman and was elected WHS Most Athletic Boy.

Playing basketball for the Redskins, Andrade won 1st All Class C forward honors in 1951.

Joe managed Bristol County Babe Ruth Baseball, 1956-58, was President of the King Philip Little League from 1970-72, and was chosen Citizen of the Year by the Bristol YMCA in 1972