1999 Banquet gallery March 2000



1.  1999 Warren Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees List

2. Inductee Displays
3. Warren Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees or Their Representatives




4. Athlete Inductee Ed “Beany” Ryan and Committee Member Ben Ferrazzano III




5. Committee Member (2005 Athlete Inductee) Butch Lombardi and Hank Wujcik accepting for his uncle, Old Timer Inductee Lefty Greenwood




6. Athlete Inductee Manny Lial, Jr.




7. Athlete Inductee Ed Polak




8. Committee Chairman (2001 Contributor Inductee) Jack Flynn and Barbara Huestis, accepting for her late cousin, Old Timer Inductee Jack Simister




9. Brother Jim Correia, Committee Member Ben Ferrazzano III and Grandson Rusty Correia, accepting on behalf of Athlete Inductee, the late Winky Correia




10. Committee Member Mary Oliver with brother Edward Correia accepting for their late father, Contributor Inductee Henry Correia




11. Coach Inductee Bill Pepin and Committee Chairman (2001 Contributor Inductee) Jack Flynn




12. Athlete Inductee and Committee Member Beth Penkala and Committee Member (2005 Contributor Inductee) Tony Nunes




13. Athlete Inductee John Murphy




14. Athlete Inductee Bruce Hutchison and Committee Member (2011 Athlete Inductee) Jim McMahon




15. Athlete Inductee Ben Ferrazzano Jr.




16. Athlete Inductee and Committee Member Paul Harvey