2004 warren Athletic Hall of Fame Banquet pictures




1. 2004 Warren Athletic Hall of Fame Inductee List

2. 2004 Warren Athletic Hall of Fame Individual Inductees and/or their Representatives


3. Team Induction: 1974 Undefeated Warren High Girls Track State Champions. Back row: 1999 Athlete Inductee and Committee Member Beth Penkala, Pam Oliver, 2011 Athlete Inductee Ann Hackley Cardenas and  Cheryl Keyes. Front Row: Committee Member Diane Abbruzzi Gempp, 2004 Athlete Inductee Shirley Rose, 2007 Athlete Inductee Karen Cabral Booth, 1998 Coach Inductee Coach Ann Chandler Morris


4. Reverend Jude McGeough, son of the late Coach Inductee Jim McGeough, delivered the Invocation



5. Committee Member (2011 Contributor Inductee) Jay Ferreira and Athlete Inductee Mary Ellen Annunziata-Neves

6. Committee Member (2005 Athlete Inductee) Butch Lombardi and Athlete Inductee Bonnie O’Blenis Dion
7. Committee Member (1999 Athlete Inductee) Beth Penkala and Athlete Inductee Shirley Rose


8. Committee Member (2005 Athlete Inductee) Butch Lombardi, Committee Member Dave DeBlois (who accepted the Phyllis Abbruzzi Award for his late mother, Lillian DeBlois), and 2010 Athlete Inductee Peter Andreozzi, brother of Phyllis Andreozzi Abbruzzi

9. Athlete Inductee Mert Caton
10. Committee Chairman (2001 Contributor Inductee) Jack Flynn and Norm Urban Jr. who accepted  Athlete Induction for his late father and Inductee Norm Urban Sr.
11. Committee Chairman (2001 Contributor Inductee) Jack Flynn and Owen Kane, who accepted Coach Induction for his late grandfather Jim McGeough
12. Contributor Inductee John Jannitto
13. Committee Chairman (2001 Contributor Inductee) Jack Flynn and Athlete Inductee Bob Brochu
14. Memorabilia display honoring Norman Urban Sr.
15. Committee Chairman (2001 Contributor Inductee) Jack Flynn sporting a first-year Little League baseball cap donated by John Jannitto
16. Committee Member Diane Gempp, Patricia Sepe McPhillips, Rebecca Sepe Oliveira, 2004 Pete Sepe Scholarship Recipient Colleen Chapman
17. Committee Member Diane Gempp, Patricia Sepe McPhillips, Rebecca Sepe Oliveira, 2004 Pete Sepe Scholarship Recipient John Cruz