2014 Warren Athletic hall of Fame Banquet Pictures
1. 2014 Warren Athletic Hall of Fame Induction List
2. 2014 Athletic Hall of Fame Class and/or their representatives
4. Inducted Team: 1988 Warren High School Girls Basketball Class C Undefeated Champions
5. Committee Member (1999 Athlete Inductee) Beth Penkala and Coach Inductee Melissa Brule Gendreau
6. Committee Member Gary Martins and Athlete Inductee Ken O’Brien
7. Parents of Andrew Frankel accepting his Athlete Induction and Committee Chairman (2001 Contributor Inductee) Jack Flynn
8. Committee Chairman (2001 Contributor Inductee) Jack Flynn and Athlete Inductee Corey Goglia
9. Committee Member Gary Martins and Deb Poissant, accepting Old Timer Induction for her late grandfather Biddy Fish
10. Committee Member (2011 Contributor Inductee) Jay Ferreira and Athlete Inductee Pete Thivierge
11. Committee Member (2005 Athlete Inductee) Butch Lombardi and Athlete Inductee Jessica Maisano Francis
12. Committee Chairman (2001 Contributor Inductee) Jack Flynn and 2000 Athlete Inductee Michael Delekta, accepting Old Timer Induction for his late aunt Stacy Delekta Robinson
13. Committee Member Gary Martins and Athlete Inductee Thadeus Chrupcala
14. Coach Bob Frye of the 1974 Warren High School Boys Soccer State Runners-Up accepting Team Induction
15. Athlete Corey Goglia’s Memorabilia
16. Athlete Pete Thivierge’s Memorabilia
17. Pete Sepe Scholarship Award recipients Emma Alfred, Nicholas Murgo and Hayley Cambrola
18. Rhode Island State Senator (2006 Coach Inductee) Wally Felag