MELISSA BRULE GENDREAU (Coach,  Class of 2014)

Melissa Gendreau earned All Class honors in gymnastics at Warren High School and then served as the captain of the women’s gymnastics and volleyball teams at Rhode Island College.

At Portsmouth High School she coached the Lady Patriots to the Gymnastics Division One and State Championships of 1996.  During three other seasons her squads finished second in the state.

After taking a break from coaching, she led the Mt. Hope High School Lady Huskies to three divisional titles and two State Runners-Up positions. Named the Rhode Island Interscholastic League’s 2007 Coach of the Year, she saw her teams earn three Team Sportsmanship Awards.

Before and after her Mt. Hope coaching stint, Melissa was named the Gymnastics Coaches Association Judge of the Year in three different seasons.

Melissa has coached the Rhode Island team at the National Gymnastics competition since 1995.  As has happened in the Interscholastic League, her squads have earned multiple Team Sportsmanship honors.

She has served as the Rhode Island Interscholastic League’s gymnastics director for more than ten years.  And last year she was named to the Section One (New England, New York, and New Jersey) National Federation of High School Sports-Gymnastics Rules Committee.