Warren Athletic Hall of Fame Photo Archives pre-1931
In the 1880s the Warren Armory (on Jefferson St.) hosted basketball, boxing, ping pong, a play in which a race horse starred, roller polo, target shooting, skating and walking. One published book says that roller polo was ‘the sport’ in New England in 1885.
1900 Warren Baseball team statistics. Record 21-4 !
1901 Warren/Bristol baseball rivalry became of battle of words in local newspapers.
1902 Rivalry continues! Bristol Ball team refuses to play because Callahan was slated to pitch in Warren. Callahan was said to be from Manhattan and had a nasty curveball. 3,000 spectators were disappointed and did not see the best players take the field.
1909 Warren Inter-State League Champs 1908-1909. Seated: William (Beany) Ryan, William (Biddy) Smith, Joe Wylie, Joe St. Peter. Standing: Charlie Kelley, Jack Simister, Curt Chappelle, Howie Martin, Fred LaFlamme, Jim Lonergan, Jim Parks. (Chappelle, LaFlamme, Martin, Parks, Ryan, Simister and Smith are individual members of the Hall of Fame.)
1909 Warren Inter-State League Champs
Bottom: Unknown, Joe Foley, Howie Martin, Biddy Smith, Beany Ryan, Fred LaFlamme. Middle: Jim Parks, Jim Lonergan, Joe Wylie, Unknown, Charlie Kelley, Unknown, Jack Simister, Unknown. Top: John McPike, John Simister, Sr. (LaFlamme, Martin, Parks, Ryan, Simister and Smith are individual members of the Hall of Fame.)
1909 Warren-Barrington Gazette. Poem written to keep the juices boiling in the Warren/Bristol Baseball rivalry.
1909 Warren Baseball Club. Winners of the Inter-State League Pennant. Supplement to the Warren and Barrington Gazette Sept. 17, 1909. (Chappelle, LaFlamme, Martin, Parks, Ryan, Simister and Smith are individual members of the Hall of Fame.)
1910 Warren Baseball Club Bottom Row: Herman (Manny) Heuberger, William (Biddy) Smith, Curt Chappelle, Jim Parks, Jack Simister. Back row: Joe St. Peter, Howie Martin, Joe Wylie, Fred LaFlamme, Beany Ryan, Jim Lonergan, Unknown. (Chappelle, Heuberger, LaFlamme, Martin, Parks, Ryan, Simister and Smith are individual members of the Hall of Fame.)
1910 Silk Hats/Warren Shoe Baseball Team that replaced a losing Inter-City League squad and won all nine games that they played. Top Row: Charlie Kelley, Barry, Jim Parks, Aiken, Howie Martin, Jack Simister, Beany Ryan and Biddy Smith. Middle Row: Joe Wiley and Lee. Front row: Wardwell, Brightman, Curt Chappelle, St. Onge, and scorer M. Turner. (Chappelle, Martin, Parks, Ryan, Simister and Smith are individual members of the Hall of Fame.)
1910 Sears cover of “Play Ball” catalog book of baseball cover
1910 Sears catalog offered baseball uniforms for a little as $5.10. Jack Simister wore a similar uniform a few years later. (Pose not mandatory!)
1910-1911 Boston-based Wright & Ditson also had their own sports catalog.
1910 Wright and Ditson Hockey sticks for under $1.00!
1911 Warren Baseball Club Salary list. All starting players were paid $15.84 for the year.
1912 Warren Manufacturing League Champs. Top row: Joe Wiley, Joe Rockett, Curt Chappelle, William (Beany) Ryan, Jack Simister, Howie Martin, Jim Parks. Middle Row: Fred LaFlamme, Walt Beauregard, Donat Fortier. Bottom row: Edward Conrick, William Beauregard, Red Downs, Joe St. Peter and Herman (Manny) Heuberger. (Walt Beauregard, Chappelle, Heuberger, LaFlamme, Martin, Ryan, and Simister are individual members of the Hall of Fame.)
1912 Booklet cover of Manufacturing Base Ball League schedule.
Jack Simister (Old Timer Inductee 1999), J & P Coats, Providence Amateur League c. 1920
1922 Knights of Columbus Warren Twilight League Champs Front Row: Al Ratier, John Conley, Fred Jannitto (Contributor Inductee 2001), Arthur Sampson, Ed Conrick, Henry Howland. Back Row: Ed Maguire, William (Biddy) Smith (Old Timer Inductee 2013), William (Beans) Baker, Russ Graham, Richard Howland.
1922 Major League ballplayers George Sisler (National Hall of Famer), Carl Mays and Wally Schang played in Warren in October as part of their barnstorming travels
1920s Circle Jacques Cartier Baseball Team Bottom row: Unknown, Joe Gladue, Albert Fortier, George Fortier. Middle row: Unknown, Gene Sevigny, Donat Arel (Old Timer Inductee 2001), Bill Emmett. Top row: Manager Leger Desilets, Donat Fortier, Donat Asselin, Albert (Bounce) Blouin
1920s Chit Beauregard (Old Timer Inductee 1998), batting at the Piggery on Franklin Street in Warren.
1920s (Post Office Basketball Team)
Sitting: John Conley, Ray Lombardi, Ed Conrick. Standing: Al Picard, Elmer Lother, Henry McMurray and Mike Splain (Old Timer Inductee 2022).
1920s Lizzie Murphy (Old Timer Inductee 1998), first woman to play baseball against Major Leaguers
1920s Post Office Baseball Bottom row: Jack Campbell, Ed Conrick, Ray Lombardi, Herb McKenzie. Top row: John Krawczyk, Russ Graham, Jake Healey, John Conley, Postmaster Elmer Lother
1921 Gabby Hartnett went three for four, as Warren downed Bristol in the fifth and deciding game of the 1921 Little World Series. He joined the Chicago Cubs in 1922, played in the major leagues for twenty years, and is now a member of Baseball’s National Hall of Fame.
1922 Lizzie Murphy baseball card was copied from her original post card which she sold, between innings, for 10 cents (later 25 cents) to crowds that came to see her play.
1922 Boston Globe caricature of McCarthy Benefit Game where Lizzie Murphy (Old Timer Inductee 1998), played with a team of American League All-Stars against the Boston Red Sox. All-Stars won game 3-2.
1923 “Lizzie Murphy” Accepted as one of the boys by fellow members of the All Stars— Demonstrates Skill on Diamond — $300 a week. Lizzie Murphy of Warren R.I. first bagger on Carr’s All-Stars is the attraction when that snappy team gets into action. This was the headline and caption in the Boston Traveler, August 25, 1923. Lizzie Murphy was inducted into the Hall of Fame as an Old Timer in 1998.
1923-1925 Independents Twilight Baseball League Champions.
Standing: Harvey Gladue, Frenchy Proulx, Jack Simister (Old Timer Inductee 1999), George Fitting and Romeo Asselin. Sitting: Donat Lanoue, Donat Arel (Old Timer Inductee 2001), Bill Emmett, Bill Riopel, Al Regnere, and Jake Riopel (Old Timer Inductee 2004). Kneeling is batboy Hormidas Riopel.
1924-1925 Warren High School Girls Basketball. Standing Florence Delekta, unidentified, Constance Whitman, unidentified coach, Jane DeWolf, unidentified, Dorothy Delano. Seated in middle: Lena Pare, Gladys Mickle, unidentified, unidentified and unidentified. Seated on floor: Louise Cutler and Majorie Hoar. Other players may include Marcia Ainsworth, Doris Sipple and Fanny Smith.
1924 Postcard from Lizzie Muphy to Mrs. Howard DeWolf . Lizzie was playing ball in Montreal, Canada at the time. Lizzie’s Signature is at the top.
Warren High School Boys Basketball 1925-1926. Standing: Pete Vitecha, Richard Maxwell, Bob Hunt, Unknown, Joe Muccino, Joe McCann, Al Mercier (Old Timer Inductee 2019). Seated: Julio Medeiros, Terry Martin (Old Timer Inductee 2005), Art “Red” Kilroy (Old Timer Inductee 2009), Eddie Steenstra.
Warren High School vs. Sullivan’s All-Stars. Game played in Warren on May 6, 1926.
1926 Eddie Steenstra, Warren High School Basketball star. (Eddie is student on left.) We have no idea what the bucket and shovel were used for.
1927 Natale Andreozzi (Old Timer Inductee 2015) of Warren, winner of Rhode Island 10-mile race.
Warren High School Class B Basketball Champions 1929 Seated: Coach Jim Sullivan, Al Mercier (Old Timer Inductee 2019), Al Vitullo, Manager Bickford Martin Standing: Leo Crowe, Sheik Dallaire (Athlete Inductee 2000), Charlie Burdge (Athlete Inductee 1998), Tom O’Brien, Louis Bernardo
1929 American Legion State runners-up
Front: Hoot McCanna, John Vitecha, Jack Hanley, Pony Millard, Capt. Sheik Dallaire, Tom O’Brien and Ed Luther. Back: Bonner, Frank Polak, John Makara, Norman DeBlois, Ferrara, Horse Millard, Lefty Polak. (Dallaire, McCanna, and Horse Millard are Hall of Famers)
1930 American Legion State runners-up
Standing: Mack Dyman, Charlie McCanna, John Makara, Frank Polak, Horse Millard, Lefty Polak
Kneeling: Keys Larivee, Leo Lapane, John Vitecha, Biddy Fish (Poissant), Alec Fish (Poissant), and Eddie Delekta.
Sitting: Pony Millard, Duke Abbruzzi. (Abbruzzi, both Fishes, McCanna and Horse Millard are Hall of Famers.
1930 Warren Twilight League Schedule
1930 Warren High School Basketball Team
Front Row: Warren MacDougall (blurred), Fred Vitullo, Edward Keegan, Charles Horse Millard (Old Timer Inductee 2006), John D. Hanley, Charles McCanna (Old Timer Inductee 2013), Casimir Hanatow and Bennie Cordas. Back Row: Coach Allan Drugan, Unknown, John Makara, Charles Hunt, Gabriel Ferrazanno and Emile Cloutier